- Bing Conversion Trackers
- Gemini Conversion Trackers
- Floodlight
- Google Ads Conversion Trackers
The correct answers are: Floodlight and Google Ads Conversion Trackers
Explanation: You can use Search Ads 360 to create and report on Google Ads conversion trackers that track conversions from the following sources:
- Calls from ads using call extensions or call-only ads.
- Calls to a Google forwarding number on your website.
- Clicks on a number on your mobile website.
- Imports
- Websites
Read more here: https://support.google.com/searchads/answer/6218136
Explanation: The Floodlight, Google Analytics, Floodlight activity, Google Analytics activity, or formula columns that are used by a conversion goal or Search Ads 360 bid strategy to efficiently gain more conversions of the same type.
Read more here: https://support.google.com/searchads/answer/7374245