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How does value-based bidding work?


Value-based bidding is a Smart Bidding strategy that utilizes machine learning to maximize conversion value, specifically targeting conversions that align with business objectives.

  • Value-based bidding is a Smart Bidding strategy that uses machine learning to drive the highest click-through rate possible, by bidding for conversions that drive business objectives.
  • Value-based bidding is a Smart Bidding strategy that uses machine learning to drive the highest target impression share possible, by bidding for conversions that drive business objectives.
  • Value-based bidding is a Smart Bidding strategy that uses machine learning to drive the highest impressions possible, by bidding for conversions that drive business objectives.
  • Value-based bidding is a Smart Bidding strategy that uses machine learning to drive the highest conversion value possible, by bidding for conversions that drive business objectives.

The correct answer is: Value-based bidding is a Smart Bidding strategy that uses machine learning to drive the highest conversion value possible, by bidding for conversions that drive business objectives

Explanation: Value-based bidding is not just about getting more clicks or conversions; it’s about maximizing the quality and value of those conversions. By feeding Google’s AI robust data, you enable the system to make smarter bids. It uses machine learning to sift through billions of signal combinations to predict and aim for high-value conversions. This strategy allows for both static and dynamic values, such as profit or predicted lifetime value, to be factored into the bidding process, tailoring the campaign to your specific business needs.


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