Each Similar Audience has its seed list members removed to ensure that no user overlaps between a similar list and its seed list.
- That only highly-relevant traffic is targeted
- That ads are shown in competitive positions
- That ads do not risk double-serving
- That no user overlaps between a similar list and its seed list
The correct answer is: That no user overlaps between a similar list and its seed list
Similar Audiences finds people that are similar to those on an original remarketing “seed” list. The people are similar in profile based on the seed list members’ recent browsing interests, search terms, and videos watched on YouTube.
Each similar audience has its seed list members removed to ensure that no one overlaps between a similar list and its seed list. In the case of an All Visitors list, this would mean that the Similar to All Visitors list is comprised of users who’ve not been to your site before.
- Learn more here: Skillshop Search Certification
- Fifth chapter: Reach Valued Customers with Search Audiences
- Sub-Chapter: Harness the power of your own data to reach your marketing objectives