Last Updated on 11 months by School4Seo Team
For a leading outdoor gear retailer looking to secure a fixed number of impressions within the outdoor adventures section of a publisher’s site in their new Display & Video 360 campaign, they should use a Programmatic Guaranteed deal.
- Open auction deal
- Preferred deal
- Private auction deal
- Programmatic Guaranteed deal
The correct answer is: Programmatic Guaranteed deal
Explanation: Programmatic Guaranteed deals offer a streamlined and automated buying process that includes tagless trafficking, sophisticated targeting capabilities, and comprehensive reporting and billing. These deals enable direct negotiations with publishers for exclusive inventory with a reservation promise that, once established, locks both the publisher and advertiser into the agreement. Programmatic Guaranteed deals are characterized by their ability to reserve impressions and purchase them at a fixed CPM, ensuring that the campaign achieves its targeted impression count within the specific section of the publisher’s site. Additionally, these deals offer benefits like campaign-level frequency management and the integration of customer data for more personalized and effective ad delivery.
Chapter 11: Get to Know Deals in Display & Video 360