Home » Search Ads 360 » While working with your client who designs trendy fanny packs and travel accessories, you learn they want to evaluate performance for their Search Ads 360 bid strategies. At what level should you tell them to do that?
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While working with your client who designs trendy fanny packs and travel accessories, you learn they want to evaluate performance for their Search Ads 360 bid strategies. At what level should you tell them to do that?

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When working with your client who designs trendy fanny packs and travel accessories, you should advise them to evaluate the performance of their Search Ads 360 bid strategies at the portfolio level.

  • You should tell them to evaluate at the ad group level.
  • You should tell them to evaluate at the campaign level.
  • You should tell them to evaluate at the keywords level.
  • You should tell them to evaluate at the portfolio level.

The correct answer is: You should tell them to evaluate at the portfolio level

Explanation: For an effective evaluation of bid strategy performance in Search Ads 360, it’s essential to focus on the Bid Strategy Portfolio level. This approach requires considering the conversion delay and evaluating performance over 2-3 such cycles for a comprehensive understanding. Additionally, leveraging insights from the Top Signals Report, particularly for strategies like Target CPA (tCPA) and Target ROAS (tROAS), is crucial in shaping the broader marketing strategy. Moreover, using the bid strategy simulator helps anticipate potential performance changes following adjustments to Target CPA/ROAS, providing a more informed decision-making basis.

Chapter 10: Measure Bid Performance in Search Ads 360


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