- The conversion name for DeShawn’s store
- The phone number listed on his official store website
- The assigned Google Click Identifier
- A dynamically created Google forwarding number
Correct Answer is: A dynamically created Google forwarding number
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The calls are tracked to DeShawn’s account by a dynamically created Google forwarding number. To track calls to a number on a website, Google provides DeShawn’s business with a unique phone number that helps identify and measure calls that users have made from his site after clicking on his ad. When someone visits Deshawn’s business website after clicking on one of his ads and then calls his business, using the Google forwarding number on his website, he can identify and measure those calls using website call conversion tracking.
- Learn more here: Skillshop Measurement Certification
- Fourth Chapter: Set Up Conversion Tracking to Meet Your Goals
- Sub-Chapter: Set up actions for sales and lead generation