Last Updated on 1 week by School4Seo Team
75% optimization score indicates 25% headroom to improve the Google search campaign. Theo should keep checking his Google Ads recommendation page if he wants to keep his campaign always improved and optimized.
- The campaign is performing better than 75% of all search campaigns.
- The campaign score has 75% headroom to improve.
- The campaign is performing 25% under budget.
- The campaign score has 25% headroom to improve.
The correct answer is: The campaign score has 25% headroom to improve.
On the Google Ads Recommendations page, Theo notices that his Google Search campaign has an optimization score of 75%. It means The campaign could improve up to 25% by following the listed recommendations.
- Learn more here: Skillshop Search Certification
- Eighth chapter: Boost Performance with Optimization Score
- Sub-Chapter: How does optimization score work?