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Home » Display & Video 360 Certification Exam » A client is launching a new line of snowboards. They want to advertise them using Google Audiences, but they don’t want the targeting to restrict performance. Within Display & Video 360, what should your client use to reach the right audience?
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A client is launching a new line of snowboards. They want to advertise them using Google Audiences, but they don’t want the targeting to restrict performance. Within Display & Video 360, what should your client use to reach the right audience?


For a client launching a new line of snowboards who wants to use Google Audiences without restricting campaign performance, they should use optimized targeting within Display & Video 360 to reach the right audience.

  • They should use demographic targeting.
  • They should use viewability targeting.
  • They should use device targeting.
  • They should use optimized targeting.

The correct answer is: They should use optimized targeting

Explanation: Optimized targeting allows the client to leverage soft targeting signals, such as first-party data, Google audiences, custom audiences, and third-party data, to inform the targeting process. These signals guide optimized targeting to potentially serve ads beyond the initially defined audiences if it identifies traffic that is likely to perform better. This approach ensures that the snowboard ads are shown to a broader yet relevant audience, increasing the chances of campaign success without being constrained by the original targeting criteria.

Chapter 14: Use Optimized Targeting with Display & Video 360

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