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Home » Display & Video 360 Certification Exam » A flower shop is running a campaign geared toward party planners, a specific audience they created within Display & Video 360. They don’t want this audience seeing the ad more than twice a month. Where should they set up frequency management?
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A flower shop is running a campaign geared toward party planners, a specific audience they created within Display & Video 360. They don’t want this audience seeing the ad more than twice a month. Where should they set up frequency management?


For a flower shop running a campaign targeting party planners within Display & Video 360, frequency management should be set up within their specific audience settings.

  • Within their line item settings
  • Within their campaign settings
  • Within their insertion order settings
  • Within their specific audience settings

The correct answer is: Within their specific audience settings

Explanation: The Audience module in Display & Video 360 allows for the creation of tailored audiences through comprehensive profile analysis. Within this module, you have the option to implement a frequency cap, which restricts the number of times ads are shown to individuals in your specified audience across the entirety of the campaign. This feature enables you to control ad exposure effectively, ensuring that your target audience, in this case, party planners, does not see the ad more than twice a month. By setting frequency caps based on impression exposures, you can maintain campaign efficiency while avoiding audience fatigue, optimizing both reach and engagement.

Chapter 8: Get Started in the Audiences Module

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