Home » Search Ads 360 » While working with your retail client, they ask about Search Ads 360’s three key functionalities. What do you say they do?

While working with your retail client, they ask about Search Ads 360’s three key functionalities. What do you say they do?

Last Updated on 12 months by School4Seo Team

When discussing Search Ads 360’s three key functionalities with your retail client, you can explain that they include providing granular insights across an account, creating, managing, and reporting on campaigns, ad groups, and keywords across multiple advertiser accounts, and offering deep integrations across other Google products to streamline workflows.

  • You say they provide granular insights across an account; create, manage, and report on campaigns, ad groups, and keywords across multiple advertiser accounts; and provide a single platform for managing advertising campaigns across multiple exchanges.
  • You say they provide granular insights across an account; use AI to provide insights into user behavior and identify trends; and have deep integrations across other Google products to help streamline workflows.
  • You say they provide granular insights across an account; offer a wide range of audience-targeting capabilities; and create, manage, and report on campaigns, ad groups, and keywords across multiple advertiser accounts.
  • You say they provide granular insights across an account; create, manage, and report on campaigns, ad groups, and keywords across multiple advertiser accounts; and have deep integrations across other Google products to let users streamline workflows.

The correct answer is: You say they provide granular insights across an account; create, manage, and report on campaigns, ad groups, and keywords across multiple advertiser accounts; and have deep integrations across other Google products to let users streamline workflows

Explanation: Enterprise Insights: Search Ads 360 delivers detailed and adaptable insights across your account. Its Overview page, for instance, presents a selection of cards that highlight key performance metrics and other essential insights, which are accessible at all account levels.

Scaled Workflows: The platform allows for the creation, management, and reporting of campaigns, ad groups, and keywords across various advertiser accounts. It also includes features like labels, custom columns, and automated rules, which are available for use across both agency and advertiser accounts, facilitating streamlined campaign management.

Improved Search Engine Support: Search Ads 360 has comprehensive integrations with a range of search engines, enhancing the overall efficiency of managing search engine marketing activities. This integration enables users to concentrate on their tasks within a single, unified platform, simplifying the workflow process.

Chapter 6: Navigate Search Ads 360


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