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What are two key differentiators in functionality between labels and business data?

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  • Ability to report at the campaign level
  • Ability to pause biddable items
  • Ability to pivot metrics within Search Ads 360
  • Ability to attach a business calendar

The correct answers are: Ability to attach a business calendar and Ability to attach a business calendar

Explanation: Sales, promotions, and other key business events offer opportunities to attract new customers, but it’s difficult to schedule all the automation necessary to prepare for upcoming events. To make sure you’re ready for frequent, recurring events, use business data to describe the events.

Read more here: https://support.google.com/searchads/answer/7083743

Explanation: You can create reports that pivot on any of the columns from the business data table.

Read more here: https://support.google.com/searchads/answer/6343072


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