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Home » Google Ads Search Advertising Exam » Helen’s Heating and Air (HHA) wants to encourage interest in their new smart refrigerators. They know that WidgetCo also sells smart refrigerators. HHA’s marketing manager creates the broad match keyword “refrigerator,” and adds “WidgetCo” as a negative keyword. Which two searches may prompt the ad?
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Helen’s Heating and Air (HHA) wants to encourage interest in their new smart refrigerators. They know that WidgetCo also sells smart refrigerators. HHA’s marketing manager creates the broad match keyword “refrigerator,” and adds “WidgetCo” as a negative keyword. Which two searches may prompt the ad?


Energy-efficient fridge and Smart refrigerator reviews are the two searches that may prompt the ad.

  • WidgetCo customer support
  • Refrigerator reviews WidgetCo
  • WidgetCo refrigerator installation
  • Smart refrigerator reviews
  • Energy-efficient fridge

The correct answers are: Smart refrigerator reviews and Energy-efficient fridge

Since Helen’s Heating and Air has added “WidgetCo” as a negative keyword, the ad won’t be shown on any term that has that negative term anywhere in the keyword.

When selecting negative keywords for search campaigns, look for search terms that are similar to your keywords, but might cater to customers searching for a different product.

For search campaigns, you can use broad match, phrase match, or exact match negative keywords.


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