Home » Google Ads Creative Certification » If you want to improve performance of video campaigns, what approach should you take with creative?
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If you want to improve performance of video campaigns, what approach should you take with creative?

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If you want to improve the performance of video campaigns, the approach of using research-backed creative guidelines and iterating with experimentation you should take with creatives.

  • Continue running campaigns with existing creative and slowly introduce new variations.
  • Run an experiment with existing creative and use whichever one performs best.
  • Start with all-new video ad creative that’s already working well for other platforms.
  • Use research-backed creative guidelines and iterate with experimentation.

The correct answer is: Use research-backed creative guidelines and iterate with experimentation.

Google’s Core ABCD guidelines are backed by research and can help everyone make more effective creative for YouTube, but it’s up to you to develop a great creative concept that works for the brand.

Consumer behaviour is rapidly evolving, so constant experimentation and testing are necessary to stay relevant. The most successful video campaigns continually test different versions of creative executions and iterate based on performance.

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