Last Updated on 1 year by School4Seo Team
An example of a buyer’s journey is when Dog-owner Dia experiences difficulties managing their dog during walks due to disobedience and anxiety around new dogs, and thus, seeks a local dog trainer that offers obedience training and socialization for their dog to alleviate its anxiety.
- Dog-owner Dia is a first-time dog owner that rescued an adult dog from a local shelter. They work from home and enjoy playing with their dog on breaks. They enjoy watching dog training YouTube videos and subscribe to channels like “The Pawfect Pup” and “Ruff Life”.
- Dog-owner Dia hired a local dog trainer to teach their dog obedience. They want to make the most of their sessions with their dog trainer, but unsure how. Dia receives a reminder email about their upcoming session, which includes details on how to prep for the session.
- Dog-owner Dia struggles to handle their dog on walks. Their dog disobeys commands and has anxiety when approaching new dogs. They’re looking for a local dog trainer that provides obedience training and can socialize their dog to overcome its anxiety.
- Dog-owner Dia hired a local dog trainer to teach their dog obedience. They’ve completed three dog training sessions and are already seeing a positive change in their dog’s behavior. They leave a five-star Yelp review for the dog trainer and recommend the trainer to friends.
The correct answer is: Dog-owner Dia struggles to handle their dog on walks. Their dog disobeys commands and has anxiety when approaching new dogs. They’re looking for a local dog trainer that provides obedience training and can socialize their dog to overcome its anxiety
Explanation: The buyer’s journey exemplified here illustrates Dia’s progression from recognizing a problem (dog’s disobedience and anxiety) to considering possible solutions (obedience training and socialization) and deciding on a solution (seeking a local dog trainer). This journey encapsulates the stages of awareness, consideration, and decision, reflecting the path a buyer takes from identifying a need to selecting a solution.