Home » Search Ads 360 » When should you consider making optimizations to a newly launched bid strategy within your Search Ads 360 campaign, assuming there’s no conversion delay?
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When should you consider making optimizations to a newly launched bid strategy within your Search Ads 360 campaign, assuming there’s no conversion delay?

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Considering making optimizations to a newly launched bid strategy within your Search Ads 360 campaign should be done during weeks two to three, assuming there’s no conversion delay.

  • Week one
  • Week four
  • Weeks six to eight
  • Weeks two to three

The correct answer is: Weeks two to three

Explanation: For a new bid strategy in Search Ads 360, it is recommended to wait at least two weeks from its launch before starting to evaluate performance and consider any optimizations. This waiting period is necessary because the algorithm requires time to calibrate, typically one to two weeks, depending on the volume of conversion data available. This is known as the learning period, which is crucial for the algorithm to adjust and perform effectively.

Once you reach the second or third week, it’s time to review the bid strategy. Check if the constraints set are impeding the strategy’s ability to optimize. If they are, and if it’s feasible within your business goals, you should make the necessary adjustments. This ensures that the bid strategy is not only fair and accurate but also aligned with your campaign objectives.

Chapter 10: Measure Bid Performance in Search Ads 360


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