Meta-owned WhatsApp is developing a new feature that will enable users to view all media shared within community group chats. This upcoming functionality aims to provide a comprehensive overview of all images, videos, and other media files shared in these groups, making it easier for users to locate and access content.
According to Statesman , this feature will enhance the user experience by simplifying the process of finding shared media. It will also help community members adhere to their own guidelines by allowing them to quickly identify and address any inappropriate content.
“This can help in maintaining their own community guidelines, ensuring that inappropriate content is identified and addressed promptly,” stated the report.
This new feature is particularly beneficial for community members who are not very active in certain group chats. They will be able to access and stay informed about the media shared in those chats, ensuring they catch up on important updates.
Currently under development, the feature will be included in a future update of the app. The report highlighted that it will centralize the search process, offering a single location to browse all shared media.
In addition to this, WhatsApp is also reportedly working on a feature to restrict users from taking screenshots of profile pictures on iOS. WABetaInfo shared a screenshot showing a message that will notify users that taking screenshots of profile photos has been blocked, a move aimed at protecting user privacy on the app.
This new development reflects WhatsApp’s ongoing commitment to enhancing user experience and privacy on its platform.