The full path attribution model calculates credit by allocating 22.5% each to the first interaction, the interaction that created the contact, the interaction that initiated the deal, and the interaction that finalized the deal. The remaining 10% is evenly spread across all other interactions.
- Equal credit is assigned to all interactions that occurred before the conversion.
- 22.5% of credit to the first interaction, the interaction that created the contact, the interaction that created the deal, and to the interaction that closed the deal. The final 10% is assigned to the remaining interactions evenly.
- More credit is given to interactions that happen closer in time to the conversion.
- All credit is assigned to the last interaction that led to a conversion like a closed won deal.
The correct answer is: 22.5% of credit to the first interaction, the interaction that created the contact, the interaction that created the deal, and to the interaction that closed the deal. The final 10% is assigned to the remaining interactions evenly
Explanation: The full-path attribution model offers a comprehensive view of how different interactions contribute to revenue generation. It assigns 22.5% of the credit to four pivotal interactions: the initial interaction, the one that led to contact creation, the one that instigated the deal, and the one that sealed the deal. The residual 10% is then equally distributed among all other interactions that took place in between. This model provides a holistic understanding of the marketing touchpoints that play a role in revenue generation, ensuring that each significant interaction is duly credited.
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