If you’re creating a video ad with the aim of growing consideration for a product, while making the video ads you should brand often, especially in the last five seconds.
- Brand often, especially in the last five seconds.
- Brand only at the beginning and end of the ad.
- Brand often, especially in the first five seconds.
- Brand only at the beginning of the ad.
The correct answer is: Brand often, especially in the last five seconds.
The brand often: Get to the brand quickly, and use multiple audio and visual cues. Keep branding strongly and consistently until the end. Reinforce by closing on the product/logo and using audio mentions in the last five seconds.
The frequency of branding is important for consideration, and the last five seconds are particularly important. Closing on the product and logo and using audio mentions in the last five seconds are among the top consideration drivers
Introducing your brand and/or product within the first five seconds and maintaining that presence is positively correlated across the marketing funnel. NielsenNeuro found that integrating your brand or product early helps orient the viewer and allows for more fluid processing, which helps increase engagement.
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