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SEO Advance Level Exam – Get Award Certificate on Successfully Completion

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SEO – Advance Level Exam

Assess your truly advanced level  SEO skills.

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1. We use the if-modified-since header to prevent Google’s crawler from loading necessary resources.

2 / 25

2. Your client has given you an absolutely new website. You are supposed to add tracking codes, verification codes, remarketing, and other tags. Adding these tags will surely affect your page speed. How will you counter this issue?

3 / 25

3. What are the boilerplate links?

4 / 25

4. Your client has given you an absolutely new website. You are supposed to add tracking codes, verification codes, remarketing, and other tags. How would you do it so that it doesn’t harm your website’s loading time?

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5. What is the meta tag that stops google to read aloud your page?

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6. What does CTA stand for?

7 / 25

7. Keyword stuffing is_____

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8. Why the sitemap.xml is used?

9 / 25

9. How can you counter canonical issues?

10 / 25

10. True or False? Alt tag should not be assigned with the images.

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11. We use the if-modified-since header to prevent Google’s crawler from loading unnecessary resources.

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12. What is the anchor text?

13 / 25

13. How to qualify your outbond links to google?

14 / 25

14. True or False? Web hosting is not an important ranking factor.

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15. What is the definition of Doorway pages?

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meta name="googlebot" content="noindex"
what will this tag do?

17 / 25

17. Alt tag should not be assigned with the images. It passes the image information in case of the image is not loaded.

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18. What does passage indexing means?

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19. You are working on a traveling website. What search query pattern will you use to find the relevant website to share the guest posts?

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20. What is the name of the Google tool that helps you identify the issue with page elements, rendering time, loading time and FCP/LCP?

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21. When it comes to the ranking factors, which one is more important, user timing (user’s spending time on the site) or page timing (time to load the page)?

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22. Which google tool does help you analyze the dimension and metrics?

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23. What is the importance of backlinks?

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24. Your executive has sent the guest post request to several webmasters. Very few of them responded to his email. What should he do now?

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25. Your competitor’s finance website is just a few months old. But it ranks in quite a better position than yours. What could be the possible reason? (Choose two reasons)

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