To drive maximum reach on a minimum budget, You’d use skippable in-stream ads and bumper ads, a mix of awareness ad formats.
- You’d use masthead ads and non-skippable in-stream ads.
- You’d use skippable in-stream ads and bumper ads.
- You’d use skippable in-stream ads and non-skippable in-stream ads.
- You’d use masthead ads and bumper ads.
The correct answer is: You’d use skippable in-stream ads and bumper ads.
Explanation: If you’re looking to drive maximum reach while working with a limited budget, consider using a combination of skippable in-stream ads and bumper ads. Skippable in-stream ads are ads that viewers can skip after 5 seconds, while bumper ads are quick, memorable messages that are 6 seconds or less in length and cannot be skipped by the viewer. Bumper ads can be used to increase brand awareness and reach, and they appear on YouTube videos and across websites and apps on Google video partners. Bumper ads use Target CPM bidding, which allows you to pay based on impressions. By using a mix of skippable in-stream ads and bumper ads, you can reach a wide audience without breaking the bank.