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Is the Future of Canadian Real Estate Agents Digital? How SEO and Digital Marketing are Changing the Real Estate Industry!

Last Updated on 3 years by School4Seo Team

Real Estate has always and will continue to be one of the most competitive industries within Canada. As of 2021, there exist more than 130,000 real estate agents across the 10 provinces of the country.

The Competitiveness of Canadian Real Estate

This fierce competition makes it necessary for agents to work tirelessly in finding more leads, landing new clients, and ultimately selling more homes! However, this is not an easy task and new agents are often left with no choice but to use more traditional and guerrilla-style marketing tactics. This can include going door-to-door, cold calling, or relying on friends and family.

The Solution: Digital Marketing & SEO

The importance of digital marketing has been widely recognized in Canada by dentists, restaurants, mortgage brokers, and in virtually every industry to exist. Digital marketers are experts at helping clients gain more leads, increase brand awareness, and assess the current market demands.

This makes them an invaluable asset for not only the professions listed above but for real estate agents as well! Therefore, in this article, we will discuss the importance of digital marketing agencies and how they can play a huge role in the success of a real estate agents’ career.

What does an SEO/Digital Marketing Agency do?

SEO specialists will become your best friends when looking to a digital marketing agency for help in gaining new leads. SEO stands for ‘Search Engine Optimization, and one of their key roles is to make sure that your website and/or name will appear on the top page of Google when potential clients search for terms like “Vancouver Real Estate Agent” or “Real Estate Agent in Toronto”.

However, this is only one of the essential services that an SEO specialist and digital marketing agency can provide. I’ve listed a few other key benefits below:

  1. Assess market demands: They will figure out the demographic of people looking for houses and in what areas!
  2. Personally, Crafted Digital Marketing Strategies: No person is the same and the way in which they are marketed must be personalized to the individual. Look to an agency for a marketing campaign that is carefully structured to work for you!
  3. Increase Brand Awareness: If people don’t know who you are then they won’t want your services. Marketing Agencies will put you on the map and build your recognition in the community!
  4. Generate more leads: You can’t sell homes without clients! Agencies are experts at using advertising and SEO to bring clients to you.

Choosing a GOOD Agency

Ok, you have decided to work with a digital marketing agency to grow your real estate business in Canada. What next?

It is important to choose a good digital marketing agency that will be able to properly meet ALL the benefits that we have talked about in the section above. So, how do you choose that marketing agency? Keep reading to see 3 IMPORTANT TIPS on choosing the right agency!

Tip #1:

A good digital marketing agency does not merely write a few words of copy on your website’s pages and upload a couple of images.

A good agency will carefully research and write targeted messages that speak to your brand and then include a call to action that will bring more leads!

Tip #2:

A good digital marketing agency won’t just add a few meta tags and build links when crafting your real estate website.

A good agency will add meta tags, build links, AND help you increase the speed of your website! They will spend time working on the vitals of your website while selecting colours and images that enhance the overall quality.

Tip #3:

A good digital marketing agency will have UX and UI designers who specialize in building the quality and user experience of the website. They will have SEO specialists who will make sure your website reaches the top page of Google and they will have marketers who can help you build a brand you’re proud of!

Examples of Canadian Digital Marketing Agencies that have had success in Real Estate:

RealtyBloc – Vancouver

RealtyBloc is a marketing agency that works out of Vancouver, Canada. They have an excellent team of specialists who focus on website design, branding, and lead generation. They have glowing reviews from the real estate agents they have worked with across the Greater Vancouver Area.

Social Media 55 – Montreal

Social Media 55 is another excellent digital marketing agency that works out of Montreal, Canada. They specialize in social media and PPC (Pay Per Click) marketing. They recognize the importance of building a brand on social platforms like Instagram and Facebook. They have worked with many real estate agents to build their online websites and increase their social engagements.

TheSEOHive – Toronto

TheSEOHive is another example of a successful digital marketing agency in Toronto, Canada. They have worked with numerous real estate agents and provide services that tackle building brand awareness, social engagement, and lead generation. They have a team of specialists that offer services in SEO, PPC, and Branding.


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