If you are noticing a drop in your adsense earning, please check these points.
- Your content is no more relevant to Advertiser.
- Advertisers’ ROI (return on investment) is negative. That’s why good advertisers are excluding your website from the list of websites where the ads are supposed to be shown.
- You will get the revenue share of their remarketing campaign only.
- Another reason is your potential advertisers’ business is down.
Problem from your end:
- Check if you ever tried to change your ad’s location in recent days. Or you might have tried to change design of your website.
- Check Adsense Viewable Impressions: You may have placed your ad on header to get more earning but you must know that if a user scroll down immediately after landing on page, then that placement is no useful. Your in-article ads pay you more because a user spend time reading the article and the as is show for quite good time.
- Your search ranking is down.