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Boosting Conversions with Enhanced Conversions: A Comprehensive Guide



“Enhanced conversions for leads” is a feature that can help advertisers who want to track sales that happen off a website (for example, phone or email) from website leads. It supplements your existing conversion tags by sending hashed first-party conversion data from your website to Google in a privacy-safe way.

“Enhanced conversions” is a powerful feature that can significantly improve the accuracy of your conversion measurement and enhance your bidding capabilities. By leveraging this feature, you can supplement your existing conversion tags and send hashed first-party conversion data from your website to Google in a privacy-safe manner. In this article, we will delve into how enhanced conversions work, the benefits they offer, and how to set them up for both web-based and lead-based conversions.

How Enhanced Conversions Work:

  1. Enhanced Conversions for Web:
    • Capture first-party customer data, such as email addresses or phone numbers, through conversion tracking tags on your website.
    • Hash the captured data using a secure algorithm (SHA256) before sending it to Google.
    • The hashed data is matched against Google’s hashed user data to report conversions accurately.
  2. Enhanced Conversions for Leads:
    • When a user clicks on an ad and visits your site, they become a lead.
    • The lead fills out a form, and your website sends Google the hashed lead information you specify.
    • Store the lead information in your CRM database.
    • When a lead converts into a customer, upload the hashed lead information, which Google matches back to the ad that drove the lead.

Benefits of Enhanced Conversions:

  1. Recover Conversions: Enhanced conversions help recover conversions that may have otherwise gone unmeasured, providing a more accurate picture of your campaign performance.
  2. Improved Bidding Optimization: With enhanced data, you gain better insights into user behaviour, enabling more effective bidding optimization for improved campaign performance.
  3. Privacy-Safe Approach: Enhanced conversions utilize hashing to protect the privacy of first-party customer data while providing valuable measurement and optimization capabilities.

Setting Up Enhanced Conversions:

  1. Enhanced Conversions for Web:
    • Google Tag Manager: Configure enhanced conversions for web manually with slight changes to your Google Tag Manager configuration.
    • The Google Tag: If you use the Google tag directly on your page (not within a third-party tool or iFrame), set up enhanced conversions for web with minor adjustments to your configuration.
    • Google Ads API: For more flexibility and control over your data, set up enhanced conversions for the web using Google Ads API.
  2. Enhanced Conversions for Leads:
    • Google Tag Manager: Set up enhanced conversions for leads with Google Tag Manager by making slight changes to your configuration.
    • The Google Tag: If you use the Google tag directly on your page, configure enhanced conversions for leads with minor adjustments to your configuration.


Enhanced conversions offer a powerful solution for improving conversion measurement accuracy and optimizing bidding strategies. By leveraging hashed first-party customer data, advertisers can recover lost conversions, enhance campaign performance, and protect user privacy. Whether you’re tracking web-based conversions or lead-based conversions, implementing enhanced conversions can provide valuable insights to drive your advertising success.

Note: The content provided is based on first-hand knowledge and experience. For more detailed information on the technical implementation and the latest updates, it is recommended to refer to the official documentation and resources provided by Google Ads Help Forum.


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