Home » Mobile Experience Certification Exam » PIE Framework Criteria

PIE Framework Criteria

Last Updated on 4 years by School4Seo Team

There are many methods for deciding which projects are worth testing. You can start with the simple PIE framework. This framework uses three criteria (potential, importance, ease) to decide what to test and in what order.


How much improvement can be made on this page? Start with prioritising your worst performing areas, taking into account your site analytics data and user data. It can be changing the message or content on your webpage, adding any form to capture the lead.


How valuable is the traffic to this page? Prioritize those pages with the highest volume and the costliest traffic. Terrible pages without a significant volume of costly traffic shouldn’t be prioritized. Your checkout page and product page can be more important than your homepage. because most of the revenue is generated from there.

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How difficult is running a test on this page, taking into consideration the technical implementation and organizational or political barriers? For example, the homepage may be technically easy to test, but it often has many opinionated stakeholders. The less time and resources needed to invest for the same return, the better. 

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